Makeup Application Lighting

Creating the right lighting solutions for any space requires some careful planning. When it comes to which lighting is best for makeup application, there are a few considerations to keep in mind for this important area. Whether for the bathroom, a vanity
Creating the right lighting solutions for any space requires some careful planning. When it comes to which lighting is best for makeup application, there are a few considerations to keep in mind for this important area. Whether for the bathroom, a vanity seating area, or a professional location where makeup will be applied, these tips will make sure you get the right lighting solution for the needs of this task.

1. Avoid fluorescent lamps
It is no secret that fluorescent fixtures have a tendency to cast a harsher light than a few other alternatives in the lighting world. Fluorescent lights can cast harsh shadows on the face while also possibly washing out the tones of your complexion. To avoid both of these scenarios, opt for LED where possible to cast a gentler, less shadowy effect than fluorescent counterparts.

2. Use natural light where possible
The most flattering light for applying makeup will always be natural light. This type of light casts a pleasing illumination on the lines and shapes of the face without creating harsh shadows for the most part. Natural light is also effective at showcasing your complexion without greatly altering it by way of artificial lighting. If you can incorporate natural light into the space, you will be doing yourself a favor when it comes time to apply makeup.

3. Choose the best temperature
Color temperature isn’t about how much heat the light bulb produces. Color temperature refers to whether the light produced by the fixture has more of a bluish-white appearance, a yellow appearance, or an appearance that falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. When looking at color temperature for the purpose of applying makeup, this matter can’t be overlooked because it will directly impact the way skin tones look under the light. A general rule of thumb is to stay away from anything too extreme towards one end of the spectrum or the other. For instance, if you go too blue, you end up with a washed-out complexion and harsh details being brought to light in greater detail whereas going too yellow will lead to making your complexion seem warmer than it is in reality. You want to find a middle ground for color temperature to make sure you look your best when applying makeup. A good rule of thumb is to stick to a color temperature of between 3500-4000k on the color temperature scale for the best result.

4. Mix uplight and downlight
The right lighting isn’t a one size fits all solution. Great lighting is created by evaluating several factors separately to find the right fit for your lighting needs. While color temperature and lamp type are important, another aspect to consider is the direction the light is spread. For instance, the use of too much upward light can create harsh shadows similar to holding a flashlight to your face to tell ghost stories. Conversely, the use of too much downlight can highlight wrinkles or creases in the face which can be just as unsettling when applying makeup. The best bet is to opt for fixtures that use a mix of light directions.